Monday, February 27, 2012

Gimme a break Angelina!

With that damn sexy smolder and "the leg", and the lips, ARGH, I am so sick of her skinny ass. Just go screw that hot husband of yours, adopt more babies and get fat. Just stop making us all look at your sultry, "everyman's fantasy" self. Save the world and wear all black and be all statuesque, but do it somehwere else. OH and now her "leg has gone viral" I'm just so over her. We know your sexy, we get it. Just be an over the top hot mom of 7 in private, okay? Stop showing off. Bitch.

End rant.

Today, while I was grillin' dinner, Spencer and Harper were riding around the backyard in the "Arctic Cat" a power wheels Jeep with an arctic spelunker theme. It has a shovel that hooks onto the front in case you get stuck in a cave or something and have to dig your ass out.

Anyway, I see them stopping, Harper bossing Spency to get our, use the shovel to pick something up and put it in the back and get back in. They repeat this a few times, and I get the instinct to walk out there to see what they are putting in the back.

Dog shit. Land mines. Petrified poop.

Suki is an 120 pound Akita, so her poo is about the same size as mine. Gross. I tell them to stop, and poop shouldn't go in the Jeep, yuck, get it out of there, so what do you think Spencer does?

Yes. Yes he did. Bare handed picks up the dookie and chucks it in the yard.



I wore my turquoise jeans for the 3rd day in a row today. I picked them up off the floor where I left them last night when I put on my sweats, and wore them again. I knew with my schedule, that I surely wouldn't see the same people I saw yesterday or the day before.

Just museum school and then the museum, then home. Sounds safe, right? Nope. I had to stop at the store, and ran into someone I saw yesterday at the Food Truck Park. Damn. I tried to hide, but then I thought she wouldn't notice since I had on a different tshirt.

"Oh My God, I meant to tell you yesterday when I saw you those jeans rock, and I wanted to ask you where you got them!"




  1. Lol, you crack me up. I'm tired of Angelina too. My husband is in love with her.

  2. Exactly why she needs to remain overseas, quielty solving world hunger, in a pair of sweatpants.

  3. Angelina is way overexposed and I'm SICK to death of her too. I already disliked her - but now I LOATHE her. LOATHE - spoken in that Madonna tone.
