Sunday, February 26, 2012

Watching the Cowtown Marathon in my slippers, bunny ears and eating bacon.

So the Cowtown marathon runs right in front of our house, and we had some neighbors over for breakfast, and we ate really unhealthy food, and watched them run and be healthy.

We took the kids outside, all in our pajamas, and cheered them on. I got tired just yelling "GO Run! You can Do It!! Keep it Up!!" all while shoving donuts in my mouth. Some dudes down the street had a firepit, keg, and HUGE speakers blaring the theme from " Chariots of Fire" and "We are the Champions"

I have serious bedhead. Since I cut my hair, when I wake up, from lying on either side throughout the night, it becomes a fauxhawk. Not a good look on a donut eating, pajamawearing, almost 43 year old mom, so I concealed my hair with a set of oversized bunny ears.

Spencer's party yesterday was a success, and the recycle lady said nothing about my Keurig, whew. It was a great day, all the kids and adults had fun, and I was crowned a great hostess, and they ran a marathon in my honor today.(A little known fact, but entirely true, read the small print of your entry form, bitches)

One of our friend's little girl barracaded herself in Harper's room and held Harper's lizard, Lizzie, hostage. Her daddy tried to open the door, and have to give it a shove, because she had stacked a few chairs up against it, and was putting the top on Lizzie's habitat when he finally pushed his way in. Their exit was one of those, "See ya! Gotta go!! Thanks for the great time!!" exits that we all do when our kid is not entirely excited about leaving a party/playdate/bouncehouse/park. Kicking and flailing, carried out like a battering ram and shoved into a car seat.

We saw a few of those yesterday.

Harper got solitary confinement(time out) for putting a wad of play doh in someone's drink, and telling them to "drink it so you can be in my secret club".

During this time out, which was served in a metal lawn chair out by a tree, I gave one of the moms the grand tour of the new renovations, had a hot dog, a beer, and chatted with some other friends in our bedroom. My sister in law came in and said,"Um, Amy, Harper is asking for you"

15 minute time out served by my 5 year old. Evil mommy, but I told Harper I was very proud of her for sitting there the whole time.

It was later revealed by my niece that Harper was instructing other kids to bring her cake, drinks, and chips.

Way to go, Harper has minions.

So Spency is 2 now. Terrible two. And terribly adorable.

I am planning to fake sick later so I can lay in bed and watch the Oscars.

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