Monday, April 16, 2012

Public peeing and pooping

No No No I didn't poop on the beach (or poop at all, in public), but I HAD to pee, and we were at the park and I had to get Harper to museum school, and she had to pee, so I let her pee between the car doors, and her peeing made me have to pee, and so I did.

It was either that or schlepp all my kids AND puppy to a 7-11 or someplace, get out of the car, get them into the place without the whining "I want I want Gimmee Gimme candy, Slurpee...etc" and actually getting to the bathroom in time.....


I used to just pull over to a convenience store and go, but you can't leave your kids in the car while you go in and pee, so you have to take them in, which is SO time consuming and expensive, what with the candy, and the fact that Spencer always unwraps something, or opens a bag of chips, or spills something....

What a day. How humiliating. I hope no one saw, like this poop person taking a whale sized dumperoo on the beach.

And I didn't wipe or wash my hands. Bad example.

Don't judge.

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