Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Harper McEnroe

Little Big Mouth got in trouble for saying "I'm ready to kick BUTT, Coach!" at tennis yesterday. He told her to find another way to express herself, and while she is sitting and thinking about it, she will not be able to play for 5 minutes.(An appropriate time out for a 5 year old)

She threw a crying fit, and stomped off the court to the bench, and threw her Dora the Explorer racket at the net.

"That's another 5, Harper"


She missed the rest of practice, but has a private lesson on Thursday, and he said if she can think of another way to express herself by then, she can play.

Poor Harper. She's got a fucking dirty mouth full of shit, poopie, buttholes, and boobies.

Maybe I will stuff a yellow tennis ball in her mouth before class Thursday.(Or a pingpong ball)

In Spencer news, He likes Barbies, specifically taking off their clothes and putting them in his trucks.
He can put together a 3 word sentence now." Weedle Weedle Butt Kiss" "Gamu Gamu Ga" and "Mama a truck side"
He is obsessed with the trucks still, and it has crossed my mind more than once that he's developing a tick about them. Every other word is truck, and no matter what the topic is, he can find a way to fit the word truck in.

"Goodnight Spency, I love you"

"I love you too mama"


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